King of Glory - John 17:1-5

Nov 26, 2023    Seth McCord

Jesus Deserves Glory

What is Biblical Glory?

               Glory- The infinite perfections of God [Easton’s Bible Dictionary]

Where do we see God’s glory it in the Old Testament?

In the cloud – Exodus 16

On Mount Sinai – Exodus 24

In the Tabernacle – Numbers 14

In the Temple – 1 Kings 8/2 Chronicles 5

The Heavens declare it – Psalm 19

He is the King of Glory – Psalm 24

Why do we glorify Jesus?

1) Because He glorifies the Father

2) Because He give eternal life

3) Because of His position next to God

Passages about Jesus’ position after resurrection:

Psalm 110 – A Psalm about the Son of David sitting on the throne of God

Acts 2 & 5 – Peter talks about Jesus position

Acts 7:55-56 – Stephen sees Jesus in His position