We are a church of small groups not just a church with small groups. Our multigenerational and multi-ethnic groups meet throughout the city of New Braunfels and operate as our primary means of discipleship. As we seek to go deeper in our understanding and more specific in our application of God's word, we establish close-knit relationships that lead to life transformation.

Each Small Group typically meets three weeks of the month and is led by a trained small group leader. Group meetings are normally two hours and include time for Bible discussion, accountability and prayer, as well as informal times to build relationships with others in the group. Small group members do not only fellowship once a week but continue the practice of mutual ministry outside of the weekly scheduled meetings.

Disciple-makers are passionate followers of Christ who teach people in their small group how "to observe all that I (Christ) have commanded (Matthew 28:20)," for God's glory. God wants every professing believer to be continually growing as we worship Christ, walk with Christ, and work for Christ. Each Redemption small group member is committed to becoming a disciple-maker.

All groups should also be prayerfully considering a way to extend the ministry of their small group through multiplication. Multiplication means eventually forming two or more groups so that others who are not yet in small groups can continue to find places to connect with a small group. Small groups fulfill the church's mission by participating in group ministries and by intentionally reaching out to the lost and unchurched.

- Study the Word of God to apply God's truth to our lives
- Mutually care for one another to meet tangible needs
- Hold each other accountable to pursuing Christ-likeness through a time of openness with other men or women
- Pray for each other
- Perform acts of service and mercy to others in the community to bring the lost to Jesus