We are men, women, children, medical professionals, photographers, businessmen and women, students, teachers, accountants, coffee lovers, motorcycle riders, athletes, musicians, young, and old, but most of all we are one big family of Christ-followers.
Planning to visit for the first time?
Stop by our Connection Table for a gift, to get information, and to meet someone friendly. A typical service will last about 90 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. There is childcare available and activities for all age groups. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.
Expositional Preaching
Our preaching is expository and bold. We usually teach through a book of the Bible from start to finish, with a focus on getting to the heart of the passage’s meaning, calling people to live out the truth in power of the gospel, and compelling hearts to worship God.
Listen here.
Listen here.
High Impact Worship
Our aim is Christ-exalting worship that draws people to adore Christ in Spirit and in Truth. We sing songs that are filled with Biblical truth and invite people to worship God with passion and energy.
Redemption Kids
Our kid’s ministry cares for infants through 2nd grade. We don’t just provide childcare – we teach kids the gospel through age-appropriate lessons and activities with caring, approved volunteers.
*Check-in begins 20mins before the worship service.
Learn more.
*Check-in begins 20mins before the worship service.
Learn more.
Genuine Community
We are passionate about building authentic relationships and encouraging one another in our walk with Christ. Since the community of believers is a gift from God and a means of His grace, we strive to grow in Biblical love for one another and are eager to welcome others as Christ has welcomed us. We enjoy fellowship and GREAT COFFEE before and after the service and invite you to join us.
Are you a first time guest? Or a family with young kids?
Please take advantage of our designated parking areas for your convenience.
Please take advantage of our designated parking areas for your convenience.